
Friday, August 28, 2015

Habits of a happy and healthy person

1. Love yourself.  You know the "put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others" rule? You need to love yourself in order to really love others. I'm not talking about loving the way you look. Love the beautiful person inside you. Sometimes that person gets hidden by anger, envy, insecurities or even pride. Find the good in you and place value in it.
2. Learn to love exercise. This doesn't always come naturally. Exercise can be hard work, especially when you are just starting and it may not seem fun. But stick with it. You are doing something for yourself because, you guessed it- you love yourself. So many times, I've dragged myself to the gym, not feeling like it but I'm always glad I did in the end.
3. Make your health a priority. Would you miss an important meeting at work? Would you decide not to take your child to their soccer game? No. So, why are we so reluctant to put exercise on our to do list for the day. Get out your calendar. Write in the times each day when you will exercise. Treat them like you would an important event. Do not feel guilty about taking that time. You are taking care of the one body you've been given and you are setting a good example for your children or others in your life.
4. Pray everyday. My strength and inner peace comes from God and I realize that I am nothing without Him. There is something reassuring about knowing that I was made for a purpose and that I am always loved. You don't have to recite formal prayers. Just talk to God like you would your best friend and know that no matter what, you have someone on your side.
5. Eat your veggies. I know, I know. Chocolate tastes so much better. But here's the thing- Food is fuel for your body. Plain and simple. Why do we sabotage it by feeding it junk? Now before you think I'm some sort of superhuman who never indulges in a slice of pizza, I'll tell you that I LOVE food. Everything in moderation was my mantra and it worked for a bit. But recently, I've taken a different approach and decided to eat to fuel my body and not eat for pleasure. HARD to do. But, after awhile, those cravings for sweets lessen and you find yourself reaching in the fridge for a handful of cooked broccoli for a snack. Yes, this happened to me and yes, I never ever thought it would.
6. Build muscle. Strength training is very important. For one, it's basically like cheating. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body burns when you are doing absolutely nothing. Also, do you want to be the little old lady who can't open a jar? Do you want to be on a commercial because you've fallen and you can't get up? Do you find lift chairs exciting? You need to train your strength now so it'll be there when you need it. 
7. Add a good source of protein to every meal. So many people who are trying to "diet" think they should just eat salad and it's no wonder they feel like they are starving and can't stick to the diet. Have your salad but add some chicken on top. Eggs are great for breakfast. A good mix of vegetables and protein will keep you full and satisfied. 
8. Don't be afraid of fat. Only shun the bad fats. Trans fat are the worst. Saturated fats can be eaten in moderation and poly and monounsaturated fats are the good kind. Fatty fish, nuts and avocados are sources of good fats. Include them in your diet. And speaking of fat, sometimes fat free version of items are worse than the full fat version. Manufacturers will make up for the lack of taste in low fat and fat free versions by adding excess salt or sugar. Check labels and don't let yourself be fooled.
9. Be productive. We all have days when we lie around on the couch and veg out. But does anyone think to themselves that night, "Wow, I feel amazing!". Now think of a day when you were busy and got a lot accomplished. Didn't that day feel so much better in the end? I'm not saying you can never sit down and relax but set a limit. Check your emails, browse Facebook, watch funny cat videos on YouTube. But, when your time is up, get up and move. We all know how one video leads to the next and before you know it, the day is gone and you've gotten nothing done. And you don't feel good about it. Stay productive throughout the day and you'll feel so much better. 
10. Make excuses to move. Park further away in the parking lot. Believe me, it's much better to park far away and walk than circle the lot 18 times waiting for the old man with a walker to get to his car and vacate the parking spot right next to the building. Take the stairs. Get up from your desk and have a stroll around the office. Sneak in movement whenever you can.
11. Allow time for silence. We live in a noisy world. Everywhere we go, we are inundated with music and phone conversations and just noise. Many people have become uncomfortable with silence. We turn on the radio or call a friend just to avoid it. But silence is good. In silence, we can really think. We can pray and actually hear an answer back. We can reflect on our lives and our goals. Learn to be comfortable in silence.
12. Prepare. Prep, prep, prep. I cannot stress it enough. Take some time on the weekend or on your day off from work to prepare for the week ahead. Think of your goals and how you will achieve them. Again, write down when you will exercise. Think about what you will eat and do the work ahead. When you are hungry, you will want to grab whatever is ready and if you don't not have good choices available, you will eat junk. Cut up veggies and steam them, dice and precook chicken, prepare healthy meals for a quick reheat or to put in the crockpot to be ready for dinner. The better prepared you are, the more successful you'll be. Stay tuned to my blog for prep ideas.
13. Spread the word. Once you have found your path to good health and happiness, don't keep it to yourself. Use what you've learned and be there for those who need a helping hand. You know the struggle. You've been there. And you made it through. 